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I Wished for Solitude

Fall Grants 2021 - Development Stage

Hamad Alfayhani / Short Narrative / Qatar / Original Language: Arabic / Interests: Drama


Bader, a young man, grapples with the reality of his vanishing visage. In a tender gesture of love, his mother crafts him masks that perfectly mimic his fading face. Following a disheartening doctor’s visit and the realisation that he is not getting better—he decides to succumb to the loneliness and isolation of his rare illness.


Hamad Alfayhani
Hamad Alfayhani
Basel Owies

About the Director

Hamad Alfayhani is a filmmaker and visual artist who graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in Media Industries and Technologies. His work focuses on themes of illness, isolation, and the overall experience of existing in a world beyond one's control. Hamad employs visual mediums to connect with and embrace these challenging feelings while also finding traces of beauty across the entire spectrum of emotion.


  • Main Contact

    Hamad Al-Fayhani

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