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My Father's House

Fall Grants 2020 - Production Stage

Mahdi Fleifel / Feature Documentary / Denmark, United Kingdom, Palestine, Qatar / Original Language: Arabic, Danish, English / Interests: Biography, Immigration, Identity, Creative Documentary


In 2012, two weeks after ‘A World Not Ours’ was completed, my father died at the age of 59. He didn’t leave much behind—only a rusty Mercedes and a few thousand dollars in a bank account in Lebanon. But he did leave behind an old Samsonite full of photographs from his youth, and boxes filled with videotapes from the past 11 years of his life. In 2009, my father went on a pilgrimage to Mecca, apparently on a spiritual journey, though he was mostly interested in filming. Eventually, someone had had enough and confronted my father, “Do you think you’re on a safari trip?”— “No”, my father had replied, “This is footage for my son”. What did my father want to tell me with his recordings? And who was my father, really, in the time before I was born in Dubai, and after my parents’ divorce in Denmark? This is a personal story about memory, exile, about a father and his son, and a family bond through three generations. An expansion of the universe from my first feature, ‘A World Not Ours’.


Mahdi Fleifel
Mahdi Fleifel
Mahdi Fleifel
Production Company
Nakba FilmWorks

About the Director

Born in Dubai, Mahdi Fleifel lives and works between Denmark, England, and Greece. A graduate of the UK's National Film & Television School, he studied Fiction Directing under Stephen Frears and Pawel Pawlikowski. In 2010, he founded the company Nakba FilmWorks.


  • Main Contact

    Mahdi Fleifel

    Nakba FilmWorks

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